Western and American Civil War (1861-1899)

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Enfield Pattern 1853 Rifle-Musket, England 1853 Enfield Pattern 1853 Rifle-Musket, England 1853 SKU: 3/1067

Reproduction of an English musket, made of metal and wood, with loading and firing simulated mechanism. At the end of 1853, the Enfield rifle was approved by the War Department...
Reproduction of an English musket, made of metal and wood, with loading and firing simulated mechanism. At the end of 1853, the Enfield rifle was approved by the War Department...

USA Confederate Revolver 1860 USA Confederate Revolver 1860 SKU: 3/8083

Confederate revolver designed by Griswold & Gunnison, USA 1860.
Confederate revolver designed by Griswold & Gunnison, USA 1860.

Wells Fargo Revolver - Grey barrel wooden handle Wells Fargo Revolver - Grey barrel wooden handle SKU: 3/1259/G

Wells Fargo revolver, designed by S. Colt, USA 1849.
Wells Fargo revolver, designed by S. Colt, USA 1849.

USA Cavalry Colt Replica 1873 USA Cavalry Colt Replica 1873 SKU: 3/1191/NQ

.45 cal revolver reproduction made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing, and rotating drum. The Peacemaker revolver, also known as Single Action Army (SAA), was...
.45 cal revolver reproduction made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing, and rotating drum. The Peacemaker revolver, also known as Single Action Army (SAA), was...

Kentucky Carbine, USA 19th Kentucky Carbine, USA 19th SKU: 3/1138

Reproduction of flintlock carbine, made of metal and wood with simulated mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock carbines had a flint or flint stone, which when triggered the hammer...
Reproduction of flintlock carbine, made of metal and wood with simulated mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock carbines had a flint or flint stone, which when triggered the hammer...

American Civil War Navy revolver, USA 1851 American Civil War Navy revolver, USA 1851 SKU: 3/1040/B

American Civil War Navy revolver, designed by S.Colt, USA 1851.
American Civil War Navy revolver, designed by S.Colt, USA 1851.

American Civil War Army Revolver, USA 1860 Grey Barrel American Civil War Army Revolver, USA 1860 Grey Barrel SKU: 3/1007/G

Civil War USA revolver manufactured by S. Colt, 1886 This revolver Army Model 1860 was a muzzle-loaded cap & ball .44-caliber revolver used during the American Civil War. It was...
Civil War USA revolver manufactured by S. Colt, 1886 This revolver Army Model 1860 was a muzzle-loaded cap & ball .44-caliber revolver used during the American Civil War. It was...

Lincoln County Sheriff Badge Lincoln County Sheriff Badge SKU: 3/104

Reproduction of a 5-point Sheriff badge made of metal, with a needle for its attachment to the cloth. The term Sheriff is a contraction of "shirereeve", an expression that comes...
Reproduction of a 5-point Sheriff badge made of metal, with a needle for its attachment to the cloth. The term Sheriff is a contraction of "shirereeve", an expression that comes...

U.S. Marshall Badge U.S. Marshall Badge SKU: 3/103

Reproduction of a US Marshal badge made of metal, with a needle for its attachment.The US Marshals Service is an agency that is part of the Justice Department. They are...
Reproduction of a US Marshal badge made of metal, with a needle for its attachment.The US Marshals Service is an agency that is part of the Justice Department. They are...

Military Sharps Carbine, USA 1859 Military Sharps Carbine, USA 1859 SKU: 3/1142

Reproduction of a carbine made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of loading and firing. The Sharps carbine, created from the design of Christian Sharps in 1848, was a...
Reproduction of a carbine made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of loading and firing. The Sharps carbine, created from the design of Christian Sharps in 1848, was a...

Double-Barrel Pistol, USA 1868 Double-Barrel Pistol, USA 1868 SKU: 3/1113

Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and wood, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. This 2-barreled gun is the result of shortening the shotgun, used by Wyatt Earp, to...
Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and wood, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. This 2-barreled gun is the result of shortening the shotgun, used by Wyatt Earp, to...

Napoleon pistol with 2 barrels, France 1806 Napoleon pistol with 2 barrels, France 1806 SKU: 3/1026

Reproduction of flintlock pistol with 2 barrels made in wood and metal with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. This pistol was created for Napoleon by his arms manufacturer Nicolas...
Reproduction of flintlock pistol with 2 barrels made in wood and metal with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. This pistol was created for Napoleon by his arms manufacturer Nicolas...

Kentucky rifle, USA 19th. C. Kentucky rifle, USA 19th. C. SKU: 3/1137

Reproduction of flintlock rifle, made of metal and wood with simulated mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock rifles had a flint or flint stone, which when triggered the hammer...
Reproduction of flintlock rifle, made of metal and wood with simulated mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock rifles had a flint or flint stone, which when triggered the hammer...

Percussion Philadelphia Deringer Pistol, USA 1862 Percussion Philadelphia Deringer Pistol, USA 1862 SKU: 3/6315

Reproduction of a percussion pistol, made of metal and plastic imitation wooden stock, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. The Deringer Philadelphia was a muzzle-loading pocket pistol, designed by Henry...
Reproduction of a percussion pistol, made of metal and plastic imitation wooden stock, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. The Deringer Philadelphia was a muzzle-loading pocket pistol, designed by Henry...

Revolver Cal.45 Peacemaker 5½", USA 1873 Revolver Cal.45 Peacemaker 5½", USA 1873 SKU: 3/1106/N

Revolver reproduction 5½" made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing and rotating drum. The Peacemaker revolver, also known as Single Action Army (SAA), was designed...
Revolver reproduction 5½" made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing and rotating drum. The Peacemaker revolver, also known as Single Action Army (SAA), was designed...
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