100-Shot Cap Guns

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Blister 100 Shots - 6 Rings per Card (600 Shots) Blister 100 Shots - 6 Rings per Card (600 Shots) SKU: 600-00

A set of paper roll caps, designed for 600 shots. The set includes 6 clips of caps (100 pieces each).
A set of paper roll caps, designed for 600 shots. The set includes 6 clips of caps (100 pieces each).

Cowboy Revolver 100 Shots, Steel Cowboy Revolver 100 Shots, Steel SKU: 101-0

Cowboy metal revolver in cardboard box. Uses 100-shot caps. Made in Spain.
Cowboy metal revolver in cardboard box. Uses 100-shot caps. Made in Spain.
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