Military & Police Pistols Imitation Weapons - Denix

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C96 pistol, Germany 1896 (Mauser Broomhandle) C96 pistol, Germany 1896 (Mauser Broomhandle) SKU: 3/1024/M

Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and simulated engrave wooden grips, with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. Within the wide range of short weapons, the C-96 has the...
Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and simulated engrave wooden grips, with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. Within the wide range of short weapons, the C-96 has the...

C96 pistol, Germany 1896 C96 pistol, Germany 1896 SKU: 3/1024

Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and simulated engrave wooden grips, with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. Within the wide range of short weapons, the C-96 has the...
Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and simulated engrave wooden grips, with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. Within the wide range of short weapons, the C-96 has the...
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