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Revolving 2 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. Revolving 2 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. SKU: 3/1308

2 barrel flintlock pistol reproduction made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint or...
2 barrel flintlock pistol reproduction made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint or...

Revolving 2 barrel flintlock pistol, France 18th. C. Revolving 2 barrel flintlock pistol, France 18th. C. SKU: 3/1305

Reproduction of 2 barrel flintlock pistol with eagle head butt, made of metal with plastic grips in ivory imitation, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing. Flintlock pistols, one of...
Reproduction of 2 barrel flintlock pistol with eagle head butt, made of metal with plastic grips in ivory imitation, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing. Flintlock pistols, one of...

Revolving 3 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. Revolving 3 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. SKU: 3/5309

Reproduction of 3 barrel flintlock pistol made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint...
Reproduction of 3 barrel flintlock pistol made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint...
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