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18th C Flintlock Pistol 18th C Flintlock Pistol SKU: 3/237/L

English pistol manufactured by Bunney, 18th Century
English pistol manufactured by Bunney, 18th Century

6 Barrel Pepperbox Revolver 6 Barrel Pepperbox Revolver SKU: 3/1071

Reproduction of 6 barrels pepper-box revolver made of metal and wooden grips with firing mechanism and rotating gun. The pepper-box revolver or simply pepperbox (also "pepper-pot", from its resemblance to...
Reproduction of 6 barrels pepper-box revolver made of metal and wooden grips with firing mechanism and rotating gun. The pepper-box revolver or simply pepperbox (also "pepper-pot", from its resemblance to...

6 Barrel Pepperbox Revolver 6 Barrel Pepperbox Revolver SKU: 3/5071

Reproduction of 6 barrels pepper-box revolver made of metal and wooden grips with firing mechanism and rotating gun. The pepper-box revolver or simply pepperbox (also "pepper-pot", from its resemblance to...
Reproduction of 6 barrels pepper-box revolver made of metal and wooden grips with firing mechanism and rotating gun. The pepper-box revolver or simply pepperbox (also "pepper-pot", from its resemblance to...

Axel-Flintlock, Germany 17th C Axel-Flintlock, Germany 17th C SKU: 3/1010

Reproduction of flintlock pistol with axe, made in wood and metal with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. Flintlock pistols, one of the most commonly used firearms by the pirates...
Reproduction of flintlock pistol with axe, made in wood and metal with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. Flintlock pistols, one of the most commonly used firearms by the pirates...

Deringer Pistol, USA 1850 Deringer Pistol, USA 1850 SKU: 3/1018

Baby Philadelphia Deringer pistol, USA 1850.
Baby Philadelphia Deringer pistol, USA 1850.

Double Barrel Pistol 1881 Double Barrel Pistol 1881 SKU: 3/1114

8 / 8 Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and wood, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. This 2-barreled gun is the result of shortening the shotgun, used by...
8 / 8 Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and wood, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. This 2-barreled gun is the result of shortening the shotgun, used by...

Double-Barrel Pistol, USA 1868 Double-Barrel Pistol, USA 1868 SKU: 3/1113

Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and wood, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. This 2-barreled gun is the result of shortening the shotgun, used by Wyatt Earp, to...
Reproduction of a pistol, made of metal and wood, with simulated loading and firing mechanism. This 2-barreled gun is the result of shortening the shotgun, used by Wyatt Earp, to...


Flintlock pistol reproduction made in wood and metal with simulating mechanism of loading and firing.Flintlock pistols, one of the most commonly used firearms by the pirates in the eighteenth century,...
Flintlock pistol reproduction made in wood and metal with simulating mechanism of loading and firing.Flintlock pistols, one of the most commonly used firearms by the pirates in the eighteenth century,...

Flintlock pistol with 3 barrels, Italy 1680 Flintlock pistol with 3 barrels, Italy 1680 SKU: 3/1016/G

Italian flintlock pistol with 3 barrels, manufactured by Lorenzoni, 1680
Italian flintlock pistol with 3 barrels, manufactured by Lorenzoni, 1680

Flintlock Pocket Pistol London Flintlock Pocket Pistol London SKU: 3/1098/L

Reproduction of the flintlock pocket gun manufactured by Kumbley & Brum in London in 1795. Made of metal and ivory imitation on the plastic handles, with simulated mechanism of loading...
Reproduction of the flintlock pocket gun manufactured by Kumbley & Brum in London in 1795. Made of metal and ivory imitation on the plastic handles, with simulated mechanism of loading...

Revolving 2 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. Revolving 2 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. SKU: 3/1308

2 barrel flintlock pistol reproduction made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint or...
2 barrel flintlock pistol reproduction made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint or...

Revolving 3 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. Revolving 3 Barrel Flintlock Pistol, France 18th C. SKU: 3/5309

Reproduction of 3 barrel flintlock pistol made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint...
Reproduction of 3 barrel flintlock pistol made in metal and simulated engrave wooden grips with simulating mechanism of loading and firing. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint...
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